Automobile FAQs
Finally, you can purchase a Collision Damage Waiver – CDW – from the rental car company. This isn’t actually insurance but a release from financial liability you might otherwise be charged with as a result of damaging the rental car. The CDW is expensive at $8 to $12 a day. This would amount to over $4,000 a year for very limited coverage. Still, if you do not have protection via your auto policy or credit card, paying the CDW over a few days may be preferable than being personally accountable for $15,000 or $20,000 or more to replace the rental car.
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Information provided by www.iii.org
Information provided by www.iii.org
- You will be contacted by an insurance company adjustor to gather detailed information about your claim.
- Often, someone from the insurance company will inspect your auto or property for damage or will ask you to provide evidence of value and ownership for loss to property that is not a vehicle or real property.
- An estimate is prepared.
- A check is delivered.
- Sometimes differences in actual and estimated damages arise, especially after repair work has been undertaken. Every attempt is made to resolve these differences and sometimes a supplemental check is prepared.
It is the responsibility of the insurance company to settle and pay your claim and the responsibility of our agency to make sure that is done as quickly and fairly as possible with a minimum of uncertainty and bother for you. We monitor claim progress closely and communicate with you throughout to make sure you are satisfied.
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Information provided by www.iii.org
Information provided by www.iii.org
Information provided by www.iii.org
Information provided by www.iii.org
Boat FAQs
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Business FAQs
Businesses that own autos or use non-owned autos in the conduct of their business will probably need a business auto policy.
All businesses have property which can be divided up into several categories: office or other equipment, inventory, real property, etc. and it is a good idea to think about your ability to replace any damaged or lost property in these categories. If the possible amount of loss exceeds your comfort level then insurance might be a good altenative.
You need to think about how long you could afford to be out of business. Insurance, known as business interruption insurance, can pay suppliers, salaries and other costs you might incur even if your business income were to be interrupted by a covered cause of loss.
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Information provided by www.iii.org
- You will be contacted by an insurance company adjustor to gather detailed information about your claim.
- Often, someone from the insurance company will inspect your auto or property for damage or will ask you to provide evidence of value and ownership for loss to property that is not a vehicle or real property.
- An estimate is prepared.
- A check is delivered.
- Sometimes differences in actual and estimated damages arise, especially after repair work has been undertaken. Every attempt is made to resolve these differences and sometimes a supplemental check is prepared.
It is the responsibility of the insurance company to settle and pay your claim and the responsibility of our agency to make sure that is done as quickly and fairly as possible with a minimum of uncertainty and bother for you. We monitor claim progress closely and communicate with you throughout to make sure you are satisfied.
Information provided by www.iii.org
Information provided by www.iii.org
Claims FAQs
Information provided by www.iii.org
- You will be contacted by an insurance company adjustor to gather detailed information about your claim.
- Often, someone from the insurance company will inspect your auto or property for damage or will ask you to provide evidence of value and ownership for loss to property that is not a vehicle or real property.
- An estimate is prepared.
- A check is delivered.
- Sometimes differences in actual and estimated damages arise, especially after repair work has been undertaken. Every attempt is made to resolve these differences and sometimes a supplemental check is prepared.
It is the responsibility of the insurance company to settle and pay your claim and the responsibility of our agency to make sure that is done as quickly and fairly as possible with a minimum of uncertainty and bother for you. We monitor claim progress closely and communicate with you throughout to make sure you are satisfied.
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Information provided by www.iii.org
General FAQs
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Information provided by www.iii.org
Homeowners FAQs
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Information provided by www.iii.org
The 10% limitation for household property, is for property at an Insureds Residence Premise……There is no limitation for property carried on vacation or stored in a storage unit. (except whatever the contents limit is on the property)
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At Risk Indicator
Quick Quote Premium Estimate
Information provided by www.iii.org
Information provided by www.iii.org
- You will be contacted by an insurance company adjustor to gather detailed information about your claim.
- Often, someone from the insurance company will inspect your auto or property for damage or will ask you to provide evidence of value and ownership for loss to property that is not a vehicle or real property.
- An estimate is prepared.
- A check is delivered.
- Sometimes differences in actual and estimated damages arise, especially after repair work has been undertaken. Every attempt is made to resolve these differences and sometimes a supplemental check is prepared.
It is the responsibility of the insurance company to settle and pay your claim and the responsibility of our agency to make sure that is done as quickly and fairly as possible with a minimum of uncertainty and bother for you. We monitor claim progress closely and communicate with you throughout to make sure you are satisfied.
Information provided by www.iii.org
Information provided by www.iii.org
Life & Health FAQs
- Marriage or divorce
- A child or grandchild who is born or adopted
- Significant changes in your health or that of your spouse/domestic partner
- Taking on the financial responsibility of an aging parent
- Purchasing a new home
- A loved one who requires long-term care
- Refinancing your home
- Coming into an inheritance
Information provided by www.iii.org